Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Health Planet Advanced Nutrition for Athletes from Concentrated Natural Foods

Health Planet

To acquire the best nutrition for athletes available today in Health Planet, it is wise to know that many of the natural foods in our grocery stores are without effective nutrition. The artificial fertilizers used over the past century have created artificially enhanced plants that are deficient of a density of nutrients required to deliver the best nutrition for athletes.

Farmers can develop natural foods, like big orange peppers and bright red tomatoes that appear high-quality, but as the soil is exhausted year after year, so are the nutrients. No proportion of artificial fertilizer can recreate what nature created for us. And, most serious competitors will inform you they want to feel more power than natural foods can offer when they search for the best nutrition for athletes.

The filming of a documentary about global climate change underscores the idea of less nutritious food nowadays. The film followed scientists drilling holes in the Arctic in search of what was underneath the ice. Digging down thousands of feet they uncovered what is believed to be soil that has been preserved below ice for thousands of years.

This soil from ages past is so full with nutrients it can be logical to assume that the inhabitants of that age probably lived on powerful vegetables that were hundreds of times more nutrient dense than the food we eat now. Imagine if we had natural foods like fruits and vegetables delivering that kind of powerful nutrition for athletes today in Health Planet

One understandable reason for the lack of nutrients in our food supply now is that the oxygen levels in our air were much higher centuries ago before the air was polluted with carbon monoxide. That piece of evidence alone may help you see why the natural foods in stores now are just not that efficient for athletes, even if they seem to be hale and hearty. You will uncover greater nutrition for athletes in advanced, nutrient dense, concentrated formulas that are not found in stores.

Hunt for innovative natural foods and health drinks that are made with real ingredients, not chemicals or isolated vitamins and minerals. These whole food ingredients, when concentrated so that small amounts deliver the nutrients of multiple plants combined, create impressive nutrition for athletes. Additionally, it is wise to find out how the natural foods you may be choosing are processed. In most cases, powder formulas are more beneficial nutrition for athletes than bottled liquids. This is a result of the lack of  live enzymes in nutritional products that have already been activated by liquids. Live enzymes found in raw, natural foods are the main catalysts for nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to penetrate your cells where they can supply energy for you. Usually, products that are processed at lower temperatures maintain the complex of whole food ingredients substantially more than those that have been heated or pasteurized. Pasteurization is necessary to kill bacteria in liquids such as milk, but it also kills enzymes. This explains from Health Planet why raw milk is better for calcium absorption than pasteurized milk.

When you put in a powerful workout, you want to know that your efforts aren't being sabotaged by a lack of the most desirable nutrition for athletes. You want swift recovery times and you want to feel good when you're giving it your all, but knowing which natural foods to choose for optimum performance is important. You could settle for less at the store, but it won't get you the results that you will feel with today's more advanced, concentrated formulas. Keep an eye out for concentrated nutrition for athletes to find the highest quality natural foods and health drinks being made today.

By : Everett Smith
Article Source:

2011 Copyright Health Planet

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Health Planet A Few Healthy Nutrition Guidelines for Your Kids

Health Planet

Most parents feed their kids with whatever they eat and drink on a day to day basis. Sure, it does sound a lot easier to just give them whatever you have cooked for the whole family. Once children have crossed the ‘being toddler’ phase, mothers usually behave a bit irresponsibly when it comes to their diet. Of course, your kids have grown up but that doesn’t mean you can give them anything and everything to eat. There are a lot of differences in the dietary requirements of adults and children under the age of 5. Therefore, it is important for every mother to know exactly what their children require to be healthy and wise.
Here are some tips from Health Planet for mothers to follow so that they can bring up their kids in a healthier way:

They Need Fats!
Most people would get a shock of their life if they are told to give their children fatty food. For them, fat is harmful to the body and this notion is true to a certain extent. Adult children can stay away from fatty foods as much as they want but children under the age of 5 must get enough fat to nourish their bodies. However, this does not mean that you are allowed to feed your children with unhealthy fatty foods. Remember, here we are taking about fat that is present in meat, milk, fish and cereals.

Avoid Fiber Rich Foods…
Again, the general thought is that fiber is good for our tummies and it is. But, for children under the age of 5, fiber is unhealthy because their tummies can react to it. On the other hand, their small tummies can be filled up with fiber rich food which can stop them from consuming the required amount of calories and nutrients.

Fruits and Vegetables…
As Health Planet know, fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamins and carbohydrates. Children require a lot of vitamin, starch, sugar and carbohydrates to build up the energy. Make sure you are giving adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables to your child. Fruits such as oranges, apples and bananas must be on the top of your list.

Natural Meals are Best…
While the trend of giving energy tonics to children is on the rise, it should be remember that natural food is always better than artificial food. Health Planet suggest Give your children as much natural food as possible and try to avoid unnecessary tonics and diet supplements.

By : Jay Holt

2011 Copyright Health Planet